Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Launch strategy.

Today, I have started with the marketing plan. It takes some time since I have to read a lot to get insight in and understanding of the company, its service and the business. But a start is better than nothing! I have also consulted Stefan and Petter for their launch of their new service. Gave some feedback on their material for the launch.

Today, I also had a Skype date with my friend Ida. Since she works with digital media/communication, we can give each other tips, and also involve each other in our jobs. Right now my company need someone who are good at flash/gif animation so... it's good to have a network, and to help each other :) It is very important to have a good strategy, especially during a launch.

Nina also told me that she knows a man who works for a big national newspaper who could be interested in doing an interview with me regarding my techniques for finding jobs. Social media and events/mingle/networking. We'll see :)

Both Carl and I have a lot to do now, so we're spending the evenings in front of our computers. But we also make sure to have some quality time. That's important!

Also, fall is really here! Cold. Colorful. Beautiful.

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