Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How to strengthen your brand.

Nina Jansdotter made a list on how one can work with marketing, branding, networking, lobbyism, and so. She also asked others for more things to put on the list. Many people, including myself, added things. Here is the full list:

- Website
- Blog
- Get interviewed and written about in media
- chronical
- debating articles
- press release
- product placement in different contexts, eg. movies
- participate in different fairs
- discounts, coupons
- flashmob
- write a book
- Join formal business networks such as BNI
- lecture
- organize events
- Mingle
- App
- SEO and SEM
- Banners - on websites and social media
- Be on TV and radio
- Start podcast/webradio
- Social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram etc.
- Printed ads
- brochure
- Business cards
- Roll up
- Signs outside company's physical location
- Daily networking with all people you meet in your life
- Logotype
- Graphic design
- Dataföreningen
- Registers - find target market
- Telemarketing
- Computer games
- Novels for web publishing
- Story telling
- Reviews
- Placard
- Posters
- T-shirt marketing
- E-mail marketing
- Spontaneous e-mailing to companies and opinion leaders
- comment in as many forums as you can within your subject
- Find new networks by thinking outside the box.
- Hashtags
- Newsletters
- Video clips on eg. Youtube
- Linking system between your different communication platforms
- Logotype on boats, cars, etc.

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