Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Carl and I have started to eat more vegetarian food. Since my dad is a hunter, I have always had access to meat that is fixed in a more ethical way. It has felt more OK to eat meat when you know that the animals have had a good life, living in the nature and died because they "have to". If hunters don't shoot some of them, they will die in other ways (car accidents for example). Now when I don't have access to this, I feel I want to eat less meat. When I buy meat in the grocery stores, I don't actually know how the animals have been treated. I don't want to support that animals aren't treated well before they are sold in packages at grocery stores. Therefore, we'll eat more veggie now. Meat will be a luxory, and we will pay extra for buying meat of animals we know have had a good life.

Both Carl and I have been working until now. Very late. Time to clean up after the dinner, and watch a TV show or something before we fall asleep.

We made a delicious pot with red lentils, cauliflower and curry for dinner.

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